Passive Income
In my researches about p2p lending and investments in general I stumble sometimes on articles about passive income. But what is passive income? Literally should mean a way to earn an income without making an active effort; this is the first misconception: to find and put in place the conditions to have a future stream of funds, coming from an investment or an entrepreneurial activity, needs a substantial effort of research (or an initial investment in that newsletter/YouTube channel guru -.-), for example, so what seems passive is simply a disconnection between the moment the effort is made and the payback. This is because we are influenced by the dynamics of the most common jobs: you work and at the end of the day/month you receive a salary for the work done. Reading a book about security analysis will not earn you any money at that of the day, but you will use the knowledge acquired to research this stock and that stock, today and tomorrow, so the payback of reading can be distrib...